Thursday, 25 June 2015

Kapa Haka and Choir!

Kapa Haka - This week at kapa haka, we practiced songs like:
 - Tena Matou
 - He Honore 
 - Pai Mai
 - Ta Huri Huri 
 - Whaka Taka Te Hau
I like Tena Matou the best as, the actions and words interest me.  We have done this song for a long time almost as long as I've been in kapa haka!

Choir - This week at choir we practised songs like:
 - The National Anthem
 - Halleujiah
 - Money, money, money
I like Halleujiah the best because, the words sound like this could happen in real life. I also like this song as, Iknow the words well, and it is a well known song! We started doing this song last year, so it is very resent for me. Next time something I could do better is to, sing louder, and with more pride for the National Anthem.

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