Tuesday, 17 November 2015


Librarian - Today at librarian Taylor, Jak and I were on, but Taylor didn't feel to well so Sam W said that she would fill in for her. Once we got there Jak was already in there and he said that he had done most of the books, but there were still a few left so Sam and I did them for him. The books that were left were mostly number books (This means that they had numbers on the side of them because, they didn't go in the same section as the other books). After we had finished this Sam and I sat at the desk while Jak walked around the library to help other kids. We had a lot of kids come up and issue books today. At one point I also got some kids names mixed up, as they had been up there more than once. I also learnt how to reserve books as Sam showed me how. After this it was time to pack the library up so we walked around and closed it. 

Peer mediation

Peer mediation - Yesterday at peer mediation Polly and I were on. As we started Emma D and Jack W came over to join us, as then we'd be a group of four in stead of two groups of two. After this we walked to the junior playground, as this is where most of the problems happen. Surprisingly there were no problems, but as we were there a lot of the little kids wanted to show us all of their tricks that they can do on the monkey bars. After this we went and walked around the field, as this is Jack and Emma's area. We walked around the field once and there were no problems. Since there were no problems we decided to go to the senior playground, but as we were heading there we saw that the time was ten past one, this meant that we had to finish now. So we went back and put out stuff away. 

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Radio Station

Radio Station - Today at Radio Station I got there before Monique so I started looking through all of the songs to choose some that we would play. After I did this I started writing the script for the show. Then Sam W came in saying that she was filling in for Monique. Once I had finished writing the script I showed Sam how to use the equipment and she got the hang of it really quickly. Once we started I had to guide Sam through as its really hard to get the first time. Once we started Sam had gotten the first line slightly wrong, it was also really hard trying to get her to keep the music at the right volume but apart from that she was amazing at it. I also have Sam the harder job because she came in slightly late so I had already got everything set up. Next time something I could do better is give her the easier job so that it's not as hard on her first go.  

Peer mediation

Peer Mediation - Yesterday Monique and I were on peer mediation (Monique filled in for Polly because she wasn't here). The first place we decided to go to was the junior playground as this is where most of the problems happen. Once we got there Jack W came over to do peer mediation with us as the people he's usually with were in Wellington. This meant that we had to do the field as well as the courts. While we were at the playground there were heaps of kids that wanted to show us their tricks on the monkey bars. After all of the little kids had showed us their tricks, we walked over to the field. While we were there we saw some little kids with equipment that they aren't allowed to be using, so we took it off them and went to return it to Mr Wallis. Once we had returned everything it was time to stop so we went and put our stuff away. 

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Peer mediation

Peer Mediation - Yesterday I filled in on peer mediation for Samara I did this because her third person wasn't there this means that Kyla, Samara and I all walked around the field. We got halfway around the field and we already had a problem! Once we had started this problem another girl came to us and said that she also had a problem so Samara went and helped her while Kyla and I stayed to help the other kids. These kids were so hard to deal with because they kept talking over the top of us, we solved this by going over the rules with them so that we could remind them what was acceptable. Once we were halfway through the rules a little kid came up to us and said that she had a problem, so I gave Kyla my card and went over to help them. This problem was a lot easier to solve as these girls didn't keep talking over the top of me. After this I asked one of the girls that wasn't wearing a hat to go and sit under the shade sails, so she did. Then Kyla came over and we walked around trying to find Samara, once we found her it turned out that she had solved more than one problem while she was away. Next time something I think I could do better is keeping my card with me so that I can read from it to tell them the rules and remember what to say to the little kids. 

Treaty of Waitangi Identity Unit

Wednesday, 4 November 2015


Librarian - Yesterday at librarian Taylor and I were on. At the start of lunch I raced over to the library because usually people go in when they're not allowed to (only the librarians and Mrs Ward are allowed in). By the time I got there people had already started to go on though so I had to try and ask them to leave untill Mrs Ward got there, but Mrs Ward got there before I got anyone out so they just stayed inside. At the start of our duty the first thing I did was get the books that had already been returned and then put them back on the shelf where they go. Sometimes this is hard because some of the books have no labels or some of them have different labels that mean different things. After this I went and sat at the counter so that I could issue and return books, while I did this Taylor went and walked around the lonrary making sure that their were no problems. Next something I could do better is getting there sooner so that no one goes in before they're supposed to. 

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Peer mediation

Peer Mediation - Yesterday at peer mediation I was slightly late as athletics went longer than expected and ended up going through the start of lunch, once we had done our time we decided to keep going because the other peer mediators weren't there and we thought we keep going as we missed the start of our session. Samara also offered to go with me as Polly wasn't there and I would have been by myself. Once we had started we went strait to the juniors playground because this is where most problems happen. Once we got there my sister came up to us because there was a problem with one of the year ones, once we had stared this another little kid came to us and said there was another problem elsewhere. This would of been to difficult to leave and then come back to because it was nearly the end of lunch, since we couldn't leave it Samara went and helped them with there problem and I stayed to help my sister with her problem. The solution to this problem was to get a duty teacher because it was a problem that involved physical violence. After this I went to the problem that Samara was sorting and helped with the solution. After that we started walking back to class as it was nearly the end of lunch.