Tuesday, 17 November 2015


Librarian - Today at librarian Taylor, Jak and I were on, but Taylor didn't feel to well so Sam W said that she would fill in for her. Once we got there Jak was already in there and he said that he had done most of the books, but there were still a few left so Sam and I did them for him. The books that were left were mostly number books (This means that they had numbers on the side of them because, they didn't go in the same section as the other books). After we had finished this Sam and I sat at the desk while Jak walked around the library to help other kids. We had a lot of kids come up and issue books today. At one point I also got some kids names mixed up, as they had been up there more than once. I also learnt how to reserve books as Sam showed me how. After this it was time to pack the library up so we walked around and closed it. 

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