Sunday, 13 March 2016

Kapa haka

Kapa haka - At Kapa haka on Friday Mr Brown and Mrs Baker were in the hall foyer whilst we were doing Kapa haka, this meant that Matua Rhihari took us. We practised, Whakataka Te Hau and He Honore before he asked us what songs we would like to sing. Someone said that they would like to sing Pa mai, we went through this once and then Matua decided that we needed some people to show us the actions. A few of the seniors went up onstage and we're doing the actions to pa mai the next two times we went through it. After we had practised this someone said that they wanted to sing our school song, Tai Tapu. We went through this (with the senior up onstage) a couple of times and then moved onto Tahurihuri. We're meant to do poi to this song but we didn't have any poi with us so we had to shadow poi, this is where you pretend that you've got a poi and still do the poi actions to it. I could barely remember the poi to Tahurihuri but I tried my best to anyway, I got used to the actions by the end of the song. Once we had finished I had to race out to put my shoes on as I had to get to Te Hapua strait away!

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