Thursday, 30 June 2016

Student Led Conference Reflection

The things I enjoyed most about my Student Led Conference were:
Getting to show my asTTle results to my parents. Being able to share my learning with my parents as it is hard for them to see all of my learning because it is online.

What went well and why?
Something that went well was how I explained everything to my parents (eg. explaining the different levels of my asTTle tests). This went well because I made sure I explained it clearly and not as if I was talking to someone in my class.

What challenges were you faced when preparing your Student Led Conference?
I was challenged because I forgot that I had to do the integrated learning part of my student led conference and I thought that I was finished once I had completed my math's but I wasn't.

What changes would you make for next time and why?
I would make asTTle test result sheet bigger as it was hard to read and I didn't have enough time to make it bigger and show my parents again.

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Librarian - Excellence Can Do #10

Librarian - On Minday Sam W, Monique, Samara and I all had librarian. As the bell went for lunch we all raced outside so that we could get to library early and get our books. Once we had gone to library and gotten out books we realised that we didn't have enough books so Sam W and I had to share reading one of the Barbie books. We didn't take the beanbags with us this time as it had just rained and the music room deck was still slightly damp. Once we got to the junior area we started to ask if any little kids would like to come and read with us. Once we had gotten a few little kids we started to read Sam W and I read first we read together by reading one page of the book each. After we had read our books we packed up and left the music room deck. The little kids wanted to follow us but we wouldn't let them as we had to get back to class soon. The care value that I showed this week was showing respect to others as I had to let the little kids down gently when they kept trying to follow us back to class.

Friday, 24 June 2016

Kapa Haka - Excellence Can Do #9

Kapa Haka - Today the year 4 - 8 students had Kapa Haka. The teachers let the year 7/8's out of class as soon as we had finished fitness. As I left I went to my bag so I could grab my long poi. Once I got to the hall I took my shoes off and went inside. Once I got inside I went and sat down next to Sam W and Kyla as this is where I sit. Once Mr Brown arrived we started to sing He Honore. It has been awhile since I sung this song so I nearly got the words wrong. Once we got half way through this we got the words wrong do we had to start again. Once we had been through this song without getting the words wrong we started to sing pai mai. For this song we had to do the actions, this was hard for me as I only have one arm and I could only use one arm to do the actions. Once we went through pai mai a few times we went onto practicing our performance routine for cultural festival. Our first song is Hariruia I like doing this song because we get to all come in at different times. I think that I showed the care value of trying your best because I kept going through the long poi even though I mucked it up a few times.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Technology - Excellence Must Do #5

Technology - Today the year 7/8's had technology. As soon as I got to school the teachers opened the door to the classroom so I got to go in straight away. The teachers asked the bus 2 line to go and line up first as they were the best bus last week. Afterwards they asked our bus (bus 1) to line up. As our line was hopping onto the bus we all had to say sorry to our bus driver as we had been too loud the week before. Once I had said sorry to the bus driver I walked down to the back of the bus and sat with Samara. I sat next to the window and she sat next to the aisle. Ok the way back I sat with Samara again and this time I sat next to aisle and she sat next to the window. On the way back the noise level was good as people were only talking to the person besides them. I think that I showed the value of displaying all care values to the public as I made sure I was being polite to everyone around me.

Librarian - Excellence Can Do #8

Librarian - On Monday Sam W, Samara, Monique and I had librarian. As soon as the bell went for lunchtime we all raced out of the class so we could get to library early. As soon as I got there I went to look for the Barbie books. As I went to look in the box I realised that all the Barbie books had been issued to other people in the library. Sam W and I had to choose other books that looked really cool. Once we had choosen our books we started to leave the library. As I got to the door mrs Ward pulled me back and asked about what happened to my broken arm. The others left as she started to talk to me and said I can catch them up later. Once I had finished talking to Mrs Ward I went out to the music room deck. Sam W had just finished reading her book and it was my turn. When I had finished reading we went back to the library to put our books back. I think that I showed the care value of being a positive role model because even though I arrived late I came and sat down quietly so that I didn't disrupt any of the juniors

Visual Art

WALT - Apply knowledge about shapes and patterns derived from nature into an original artwork.

For Visual Art the SOLO level I achieved was:
Extended Abstract because I used all of the art techniques in my piece of art. I also applied 6 pieces of art from nature.

The techniques I used in my art work to achieve this level were:
Moving water colours - I used this in the sunset.
Shading - I used this in the waves.
Glazing - I used this for my background.

Here is a photo of my artwork:

My next step in visual art is:

My next step in visual art is to try not to mix the colours once they are already on the page.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Kapa Haka - Excellence Can Do #7

Kapa Haka - Today (Friday) the year 4 - 8 students had kapa haka. The year 7/8's teachers let us out of class as soon as we finished fitness so that we weren't late to kapa haka. Before I left class I went to my bag to grab my long poi as I had taken them home the week before so I could practice. We got to the hall foyer on time today. As soon as I got to the hall foyer I started to take my shoes off. After this I went into the hall and sat down in my line, I sat next to Sam W and Kyla. The first song we started to practice was He Honore as we couldn't start our routine because the non performance group were still at kapa haka. Once a few minutes had passed by Mr Brown asked the non performance group to leave so that the performance group could practice our routine. Once they had left we all went through Tahuri huri a lot of times as this is our main song to practice. After this we all left and went out to morning tea. I think that I showed the care value of trying your best because I kept going through the long poi even though I mucked it up a few times.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Librarian - Excellence Can Do #6

Librarian - On Monday Sam W, Monique, Samara and I were rosters in to do librarian. As the bell rang for the start of lunch I went to quickly get a newsletter before we started and Sam W, Monique and Samara all went to the library to choose some books. Once I had got my newsletter I went to put it in my bag and then I went over to the music room deck. Once I got there Samara gave me a Barbie book that I was going to read to the juniors. Sam W was still reading her book so I waited until she had finished. Once she had finished her Barbie book I started to read mine. Once I finished my book we asked the juniors if they could go and play with their own friends and then we packed up and returned our books to the library. I think that I showed the care value of being a positive role model because even though I arrived late I came and sat down quietly so that I didn't disrupt any of the juniors. 

Technology - Excellence Must Do #4

Technology - On Tuesday the year 7/8 students had technology. The bus 2 line got to hop on the bus before my line (bus 1) did. The line I was in got to hop onto the second bus that came this wasn't much behind the first bus thankfully as it was cold and I didn't want to wait to long for the bus. I was at the front of the bus 1 line so I got to hop into the bus first! I chose a seat near the back as this seat has a heater underneath it and I was cold. I sat next to the window and Samara, who I was sitting with, sat next to the aisle. On the way there the noise level was good at the start and then it started creeping up as we got nearer to Lincoln. Once we were at Lincoln the bus driver told us that he was really close to pulling over and that we would have to step up our game for the bus ride back. I think that I showed the value of displaying all care values to the public as I made sure I was being polite to everyone around me. 

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Kapa Haka - Excellence Can Do #5

Kapa Haka - On Friday the year 4 to 8 students had kapa haka. As I left class to walk to the hall I grabbed my long poi that I had taken home the week before. Once I arrived at the hall I lined up in my line. I stand next to Kyla and Sam W as the lines goes in hight order. We started off with our school song (Tai Tapu) as we got further through this song Mr Brown and Mrs Baker arrived. We practiced this a few times before we moved on to our next song. We started to practice our transitions after this as we are going to cultural festival this year. We practiced this for a while and then we went outside and practiced our long poi. Once we had gotten the routine sorted out we came back into the hall to practice our long poi with everybody else. On Friday I think I showed the value of being a good role model to others as I didn't talk to the people beside me and I did what I was asked to do straight away.

Technology - Excellence Must Do #3

Technology - On Tuesday the year 7/8's had technology. When the first bus had arrived in the school car park Mr Muller decided that the bus 2 line could hop on the bus first. My bus line (Bus 1) ended up writing for ages for the bus so Mr Muller said that we should go back into the hall foyer. After we were waiting in the hall foyer for about ten minutes the bus had arrived. On the way there I sat next to Samara. I sat next to the window as Samara had to take pictures of everyone in the bus because she was making a slide on how people could show the care values on the bus. On the way there the noise level was good as everyone was showing the care values so that Samara and Monique would take a picture of them. On the way back I sat next to Samara again this time I sat next to the aisle as Samara had finished taking pictures for her presentation. On Tuesday I showed the care value of filling seats sensibly as I made sure that there was enough space for only two people to a seat. 

Monday, 6 June 2016

Kapa Haka - Excellence Can Do #4

Kapa Haka - At kapa haka on Friday we left class after we finished fitness so that we could get to kapa haka on time. After we had grabbed the poi from room 14 we walked down to the hall. Once we got there we took our shoes off and then went in to sit in our lines. At kapa haka I sit next to Sam W and Kyla. Once Matua Rhihari arrived we started singing our school song (Tai Tapu). While we were halfway through this song Mr Brown and Mrs Baker arrived. Once we finished singing they wanted us to sing harriuia. Once we had finished this song we went and asked Matua Rhihari if we could practice our long poi outside. He said we could so we went and did that for about 10 minutes. After that Mr Brown called us back inside so that we could practice getting from one of our formations to the other. We did this three times before he let us go. On Friday I think I showed the value of being a good role model to others as I didn't talk to the people beside me and I did what I was asked to do straight away.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Librarian - Excellence Can Do #3

Librarian - At librarian on Monday Sam, Samara, Monique and I we were on. As the bell rang for lunchtime we walked over to the library to choose our books. I went over to sign us in as Monique and Samara went to grab the beanbags and Sam W went to get the books. Once I had signed us in I went over to Sam W and asked if she had found the books yet. She said that she didn't know where the barbie books were. We went and asked Mrs Griffins if she knew where the barbie books were she said that they only had a few at the moment so we went over and grabbed the last two barbie books. After that we walked down to the music room deck and found Monique and Samara waiting for us, they had already got some little kids to come and listen to our books so we started reading straight away. Once we had finished the barbie books we packed and told the little kids that they had to go and play on the playground or something they left after that and we went back to the library. On Monday I think that I showed the value of respecting others right to learn because as Sam W was reading I was quietly listening and not talking to the people around me.

Technology - Excellence Must Do #2

Technology - On the way to technology on Tuesday I sat next to Samara on the bus. As we were waiting for the bus it started to rain, Mr Ladbrook took us into the hall foyer so we could wait for the bus without getting wet. Once bus 1 got there we walked outside and went to sit down on the bus. Samara and I sat near the back of the bus while we waited for the bus to leave. On the way to technology I think that I showed the value of filling seats sensibly as we only had two to a seat and there was plenty of extra seats anyway. I think that the noise level on the way there was good as most people were only speaking to the person next to them. On the way back I showed the value of use manners when entering and exiting the bus as I said hi and thank you to the bus driver when I hopped on and off the bus. On the way back Samara and I sat near the back of the bus again as this is the seat where the heater is! The noise level on the way back was even better than the noise level on the way there I thought. Next time I am going to focus on being aware of others when entering and exiting the bus because as I hopped on the bus on the way there I was pushing others so that I could get a good seat on the bus.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

I have a large vocabulary that is connected to my own knowledge about the world.

Year 9/10: I have a large vocabulary that is connected to my own knowledge about the world.

Name of Text: Underground Explorers

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Void: an empty space or vacuum.

Fluorescent: able to give off visible light after being exposed to a source of heat, light, or other form of energy

Vulnerable: able to be hurt or injured

Interconnected: to connect or cause to be connected one to the other or others.

Seldom: not often; rarely.

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Example/Non Example
Is a void messy? Why or why not?
Now because it's just an empty space which nobody puts stuff in.
Which color is the most fluorescent at night? Why?
Green because you can still see it after the effect has worn off.
Why are elderly people more vulnerable than children? Why?
Because they are more fragile than us as they don't have the ability to move as fast as us.
Which is more interconnected; a vine or a dandelion? Why?
A vine because it is connected to a tree and the other vines.
Which is more seldom; the Olympics or an election in NZ? Why?
The Olympics because it is every four years and elections can happen every three years.

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Word Associations
The plants in the garden are die during a frost
There were lots of different paths that joined each other
I made a shot from halfway while facing backwards.
We are still exploring  outer space.
I can find my key ring easily in the dark.

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Word Relationships

How might each pair of words be connected?
They are connected because if you are vulnerable you have to be careful of what might happens which means it may only happen rarely and if something is fluorescent it only happens a few times.
They are connected because you could be connected to something in the empty space and if you are interconnected then you are connected to something.

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Extended Writing
Think of a time when you felt as though you were in a void or when you saw something that happens seldom. Write a paragraph about this.
Once I was walking past a basketball court and I saw someone shooting from the other end of the court and they got it in. It was so cool and when I tried my ball didn't even hit the hoop. When I got home that day I would keep going to the basketball court trying to get it in but I never did.