Friday, 17 June 2016

Kapa Haka - Excellence Can Do #7

Kapa Haka - Today (Friday) the year 4 - 8 students had kapa haka. The year 7/8's teachers let us out of class as soon as we finished fitness so that we weren't late to kapa haka. Before I left class I went to my bag to grab my long poi as I had taken them home the week before so I could practice. We got to the hall foyer on time today. As soon as I got to the hall foyer I started to take my shoes off. After this I went into the hall and sat down in my line, I sat next to Sam W and Kyla. The first song we started to practice was He Honore as we couldn't start our routine because the non performance group were still at kapa haka. Once a few minutes had passed by Mr Brown asked the non performance group to leave so that the performance group could practice our routine. Once they had left we all went through Tahuri huri a lot of times as this is our main song to practice. After this we all left and went out to morning tea. I think that I showed the care value of trying your best because I kept going through the long poi even though I mucked it up a few times.

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