Wednesday 11 May 2016


Librarian - When I was meant to be doing librarian on Monday I had a clash as I had to go and get my sport uniform for run, bike, run the next day. I managed to work around this clash as I went to the hall to get my uniform at the start of lunch and then went back to librarian. Once I got to the library Sam W had already chosen the books so we went down to the music room deck so we could start reading. Sam W started to read the first book she had gotten as I went around the juniors area asking if there was anyone that wanted to come and read with us. I eventually got as many juniors as I could and I was so exhausted from running around that I asked Sam W to read the second book for me. I sat listening to her on the deck as we had forgotten the beanbags. Next time something I could do better is not running around so much that I have to ask someone else to read my book for me. 

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